Breasts Surgery

Breast lifting in Dubai

In some women, particularly those who lost some weight, the chest may sag. This is because the inner tissues of the chest have atrophied (shrunk) making the skin too big for its contents. This condition is called in medical terms “ptosis”. A mild degree of ptosis can be treated by one of two techniques.

Breast Ptosis treatment techniques

The first is removing a crescent shaped area of skin at the top of the areola and closing the gap by sutures. This will achieve 2-4 cm of lifting. This procedure suits women who are happy about the size of their chest and just want their chests lifted to achieve a normal shape. However, if an increase in size is also desired, chest implants can both augment (enlarge) the chest and lift it.

In the case of moderate ptosis, where more skin is removed, a larger area of skin has to be removed from around the navel to tuck the chest skin from all directions. Implants may or may not be used, depending on the amount of chest tissue and the patient’s desire. In severe cases or “Grade 3”, a more radical removal of skin is involved.

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Our goal is to provide stress-free pleasant experience to all our customers. We will address all your concerns, discuss all options and ensure that you achieve the desired outcome.

* Please note that plastic surgery results can vary for different patients. Every patient is a unique individual and every surgery has unique aspects. Therefore no two surgical procedures will get the exact same results - even if patients are fairly similar and even if the procedures are performed by the same Plastic Surgeon.